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We found 12 video(s) with subject of Respirator Safety.
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  • Video ID: 1239
  • Minutes:
  • Date:
  • Language(s): English / Spanish
Description: Updated version of respiratory protection training for workers in nurseries. Shows how to select the proper respirator for the job. Demonstrates how to test for the proper fit. Covers maintenance procedures, and identification of the proper respirator storage. Sponsored by Oregon Association of Nurseries.
  • Video ID: 1600
  • Minutes:
  • Date:
  • Language(s): English
Description: For healthcare workers. Demonstrates how to achieve proper fit of N95 respirator by two measures: (1) Particles inside the respirator and (2) calculated external and internal particles percentage measure. Produced by the University of Washington, School of Public Health, Field Research and Consultation Group.
  • Video ID: 1467
  • Minutes:
  • Date:
  • Language(s): English
Description: Acquaints viewers with the hazards of hydrogen sulfide and the precautions necessary to prevent exposure, including respiratory protection, warning sounds and signals, and evacuation procedures. Washington state does not have a ceiling or acceptable maximum peak. WAC 841 states the 8 hour TWA is 10 ppm and the STEL is 15 ppm. Respirators: For exposures less than 100 ppm a half-mask respirator with appropriate cartridges is acceptable. If the H2S level is 10 ppm or greater it is likely that eye irritation will occur. Chemical goggles would offer eye protection. A full-face respirator would also provide eye protection from irritation.
Closed Captioning / Subtitles
  • Video ID: 1687
  • Minutes: 54
  • Date: 2020
  • Language(s): English
Description: This 54-minute video shows how to set up and conduct a qualitative fit test using OSHA’s saccharine or Bitrex™ protocols. It starts out with a basic orientation to help those new to fit-testing and progresses to a demonstration of a fit test with helpful tips to ensure a successful fit test.

If you watch this video, keep in mind the following:
1. This video is for instructional purposes: LNI/DOSH is not endorsing any product (e.g., respirator or software) or service mentioned or shown in the video.
2. Fit tests can be performed without using the software shown in the video.
3. DOSH requires users to wear respirators for at least 5 minutes before performing the fit test (i.e, during the “comfort assessment period” mentioned in the video).
4. When using enclosures:
• Be sure to thoroughly decontaminate and dry enclosures (and
nebulizer surfaces) in between users to prevent transmission of
harmful pathogens, like the coronavirus. It may be helpful to
have more than one set of enclosures available; this could
allow you to use one set while the other one is being
decontaminated and dried.
• Enclosures are only for use of saccharine or Bitrex™ test
agents: they should NOT be used with irritant smoke.
OnlineClosed Captioning / Subtitles
  • Video ID: 1452
  • Minutes:
  • Date:
  • Language(s): English / Spanish
Description: Emphasizes the importance of using respirators and how to fit them correctly to maximize their protective qualities. Includes Oxygen deficient and contaminated atmospheres; supplied air respirators; air purifying respirators; respirator selection; and fit test and check. DVD-Rom (needs computer for access) has leaders' guide, PowerPoint presentation, and answers to quiz.
  • Video ID: 499
  • Minutes:
  • Date:
  • Language(s): English / Spanish
Description: VHS & DVD. When respiratory protection is needed, be sure to use the right respirator for each job. Covers: Your lungs and how they work; Respiratory hazards; Types of respirators; Emergency use of respirators; Respirator fit testing; Respirator maintenance; Inspections; decontamination; and storage. Code violation: Shows repirators hanging by a nail; also shows proper storage. Spanish and French on DVD format only.
Closed Captioning / Subtitles
  • Video ID: 1255
  • Minutes:
  • Date:
  • Language(s): English
Description: DVD. Gives a general overview of respirators and compliance training. In Washington Sate, the respirator standard is found in WAC 296-842. Training includes: causes of respiratory problems, the respiratory system, potential affects of respiratory hazards, common hazards, different types of respiratory equipment, and good respiratory safety practices. Subtitles.
Closed Captioning / Subtitles
  • Video ID: 1538
  • Minutes:
  • Date:
  • Language(s): English
Description: Series of 11 videos (total 110 minutes) describing parts of 29 CFR 1910.34 includes: Respiratory Protection in General Industry (10:22 min.); Respiratory Protection in Construction (10:13 min.); Respirator Types (16:10 min); The Difference between Respirators and Surgical Masks (5:37 min.); Respirator Fit Testing (11 min.); Respirator Safety : Donning... (9:17 min.); Maintenance and Care of Respirators (9 min.); Medical Evaluations for Workers who Use Respirators (9:39 min.); Respiratory Protection Training Requirements (7:54 min.); Counterfeit and Altered Respirators (15:18 min.); and Voluntary Use of Respirators (5:38 min). Includes recommendations on the use of N95 face masks and filtering facepiece respirators.
OnlineClosed Captioning / Subtitles
  • Video ID: 1072
  • Minutes:
  • Date:
  • Language(s): English / Spanish
Description: VHS & DVD. Spanish on DVD only. Describes the human respiratory system and how to protect it on the job. Includes industry topics including mold, and current respiratory equipment. Explains types of air purifying respirators, how air particles are removed, and proper fit. Shows how to avoid exposure to respiratory hazards and prevent respiratory illness and injury.
Closed Captioning / Subtitles
  • Video ID: 1073
  • Minutes:
  • Date:
  • Language(s): English / Spanish
Description: VHS & DVD. Spanish on DVD only. Describes the human respiratory system and how respirators protect workers from hazards in a variety of workplaces. Shows current respiratory equipment, how to avoid exposure to respiratory hazards, and prevent respiratory illness and injury.
Closed Captioning / Subtitles
  • Video ID: 1240
  • Minutes:
  • Date:
  • Language(s): English / Spanish
Description: Gives overview of respirators. Gives employees a better understanding of respirator use and protection from workplace hazards. Incorporates real testimonials and interviews from actual people in the field, including EH&S Directors, Fire Department personnel, and OSHA experts. Subtitles in both languages. Includes facilitator guide on CD.
Closed Captioning / Subtitles
  • Video ID: 1539
  • Minutes:
  • Date:
  • Language(s): Spanish
Description: A collection of 9 respiratory safety videos describing most of 29 CFR 1910.34 regulations in Spanish. Titles include: Protección Respiratoria en la Industria en General (12 min.); Protección respiratoria en la constructión (11 min); Tipos de respiradores
(19 min); Diferencia entre respiradores y mascarillas quirúrgias (6 min.); Seguridad respiratiria : Colocación... (9 min.); Mantenimiento y cuidado de los respiradores (12 min.); Evaluaciones médicas para trabajadores que usan respiradores (10 min.); Los requisitos de Capacitacion Para la Protecci la protección respiratoria (9 min.); and Uso voluntario de respiradores (5 min.).
OnlineClosed Captioning / Subtitles