Video ID: 1687 Date: 2020 Minutes: 54
This 54-minute video shows how to set up and conduct a qualitative fit test using OSHA’s saccharine or Bitrex™ protocols. It starts out with a basic orientation to help those new to fit-testing and progresses to a demonstration of a fit test with helpful tips to ensure a successful fit test.If you watch this video, keep in mind the following: 1. This video is for instructional purposes: LNI/DOSH is not endorsing any product (e.g., respirator or software) or service mentioned or shown in the video. 2. Fit tests can be performed without using the software shown in the video. 3. DOSH requires users to wear respirators for at least 5 minutes before performing the fit test (i.e, during the “comfort assessment period” mentioned in the video). 4. When using enclosures: • Be sure to thoroughly decontaminate and dry enclosures (and nebulizer surfaces) in between users to prevent transmission of harmful pathogens, like the coronavirus. It may be helpful to have more than one set of enclosures available; this could allow you to use one set while the other one is being decontaminated and dried. • Enclosures are only for use of saccharine or Bitrex™ test agents: they should NOT be used with irritant smoke.
Subjects Covered: Fit Testing, Respirator Safety
Formats Available:
Closed Captioning/Subtitles: Yes
Languages Available: English
University of Cincinnati Medical Center