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Affidavit Details

This is a Housing Act of 1937 project per 24 CFR 965.101 and is exempt from the state prevailing wage rates but not exempt from the application of other prevailing wage requirements under the Washington State laws, rules and policies.

Project Detail - Project Dashboard

Document Received Date: Intent Id: Affidavit Id: Status:
Company Details
WA UBI no.
Contractor Registration no.
Industrial Insurance Account Id
Email Address
Filed By
Prime Contractor 
Prime contractor name
Prime contractor registration no.
Prime contractor Phone Number
Project Information 
Awarding agency:

Awarding agency contact:
Awarding agency contact phone number:
Contract no.
Project name
Project Description
Dollar amount of your contract:
Bid due date
Contract award date
Job site address/directions:
Hiring Contractor
Company Name
Contractor Registration No.
WA UBI Number
Payment Details
Check Number:
Transaction Id:
Project Details
County where work was performed
City where work was performed
Prime contractor Intent form Id# for this project
Intent filed date
Job start date:MM-DD-YYYY
Date work completed:MM-DD-YYYY
Project Completion
Did your company hire any subcontractors?
Did your company have employees perform work on this project?
Did you use apprentice employees on this project?
Is the prime contract at a cost of over one million dollars ($1,000,000)?
Company Owner Information
How many owner/operators performed work on the project that own 30% or more of the company?

Affidavit Subcontractor(s)
Journeylevel Wages
Apprentice Wages
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