Video Details

  • Putting Slings to Work: Hitch, Capacity & Hardware Selection

Video ID:  928      Date:  2001      Minutes:  32     

DVD & VHS. Module 3.Training for the Rigger in how to apply slings and rigging hardware to the load. Gives complete explanation of the terms: vertical load, working load limit, proof load, proof test, ultimate strength and design factor. Describes rigging hardware (shackles, hooks, wire rope slings, nylon slings, chain) and hitch types (Single leg, Vertical, Bridle, Basket, Choker and Double Wraps). Identifies PPE and safe rigging practices.

Subjects Covered:  Crane Safety, Rigging Safety     

Formats Available:  DVD Format     

Closed Captioning/Subtitles:  No     

Languages Available:  English     

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