Video Details

  • How to Report a Fatality and Hospitalization to the WA State Dept. of L&I

Video ID:  1658      Date:  2017      Minutes:  5     

This 5 min. video is a step-by-step tool to assist employers when reporting an in-patient hospitalization, amputation, loss of an eye, or Fatality to the Department of Labor & Industries.

Subjects Covered:  Accident Investigation, Accident Prevention, Accidents - Near Misses, Communicating Safety, Emergency Action Plan, Emergency Response, Recordkeeping, Reporting a Fatality and Hospitalization, Safety Training     

Formats Available:  Online     

Closed Captioning/Subtitles:  No     

Languages Available:  English     

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Dept of Labor & Industries, State of Washington

Phone:  360-902-5444

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