Video Details

  • Emergency Washing : It Only Takes a Moment

Video ID:  1571      Date:  2012      Minutes:  14/29     

Safety showers and eye wash facilities are important to a safe workplace. In recent years an average of over 400 workers per year in Washington state have experienced severe chemical burn injuries to eyes and skin. This DVD includes 14 minute and 29 minute versions to help employers train employees of the importance of PPE prevent injury when working with chemicals. Describes the type of workplaces that need to provide eye wash and emergency showers. Demonstrates eye washes, safety showers, and personal protective equipment. Includes two powerful testimonials.

Subjects Covered:  Chemical Safety, Eye Safety, Online Videos, Personal Protective Equipment     

Formats Available:  DVD FormatOnline     

Closed Captioning/Subtitles:  No     

Languages Available:  English     

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Dept of Labor & Industries, State of Washington

Phone:  360-902-5444

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