Video Details

  • Knock it off! [Short Version]

Video ID:  1553      Date:  2010      Minutes:  10     

Odie discusses the concept of calling a “knock it off” immediately when recognizing dangerous behavior, while his friend and fellow fighter pilot, Wes Sharp, encourages viewers to speak up and tell co-workers to “keep off the grass” when they witness an unsafe act. hile recalling personal experiences from their military careers involving knock it off and keep off the grass, Odie and Wes teach essential lessons that can be applied to any work environment. Motivates viewers to take action: "When you see something, say something." Shorter version of #1552

Subjects Covered:  Accident Prevention, Accidents - Near Misses, Communicating Safety, Motivational Speakers     

Formats Available:  DVD Format     

Closed Captioning/Subtitles:  Yes     

Languages Available:  English     

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