Video Details

  • Pesticide Safety for Small Farms
  • Uso seguro de pesticidas en pegueƱas granjas

Video ID:  1498      Date:  2006      Minutes:  19     

Produced for workers on small family farms, this program illustrates the importance of following safe practices for storing, mixing, applying, and disposing of pesticides. Covers: how to read the pesticide label, how to use personal protective equipment, and what to do in case of pesticide-related emergencies. NOTE: WSDA regulation. Flagging during a pesticide application is no longer allowed in Washington State.

Subjects Covered:  Agricultural Operations & Farming, Pesticides     

Formats Available:  DVD Format     

Closed Captioning/Subtitles:  No     

Languages Available:  English / Spanish     

Online Access
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University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, ANR Communication Services

Phone:  510-642-2431

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