Video Details

  • Hazard Communication : Informed for Safety
  • ComunicaciĆ³n de peligros: Informado para la seguridad

Video ID:  1380      Date:  2008      Minutes:  19     

Lively intro engages viewers to connect to the safety training. Covers Hazardous chemicals, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), container labels, and best safety practices when working around chemicals. Support Material Kit in English on CD which includes Facilitator Guide and Training Booklet. Subtitles in English and Spanish.

Subjects Covered:  Hazard Communication, Spanish Version Titles     

Formats Available:  DVD Format     

Closed Captioning/Subtitles:  Yes     

Languages Available:  English / Spanish     

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Summit Training Source Inc

Phone:  800-842-0466

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