Video Details

  • Rigging Equipment Basics
  • Aspectos básicos del equipo de aparejamiento

Video ID:  1343      Date:  2004      Minutes:  20     

Shows materials and techniques used for the three most common types of slings: those made of wire rope, fiber rope and webbing. It provides information on proper selection, maintenance, rigging and use. It covers: rigging basics; slings and hitches; wire rope and synthetic web slings; and attachments. Does NOT cover a true basket hitch. Additional resource material on DVD-ROM, includes PowerPoint type presentation. Subtitles in English only.

Subjects Covered:  Rigging Safety, Spanish Version Titles     

Formats Available:  DVD Format     

Closed Captioning/Subtitles:  Yes     

Languages Available:  English / Spanish     

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DuPont Coastal Training

Phone:  800-695-0756

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