- Cave-In! Trenching & Shoring Safety
- ¡Derrumbes! Seguridad al zanjar y apuntalar
Video ID: 1261
Date: 2007
Minutes: 18
Details proper trenching procedures and describes soil types. Seattle footage. Covers: evaluating an excavation site; effective worker protection systems; general safety practices; and emergency response. Booklets and quiz, English only. PowerPoint presentation and Leaders Guide on DVD-ROM. Subtitles in English only. CODE VIOLATION: In Washington state, trench protection is required in any excavation 4’or more deep. WAC 296-155-657 Requirements for protective systems. This program states the OSHA rule which is less stringent than the state of Washington
Subjects Covered: Excavation, Spanish Version Titles, Trenching and Shoring
Formats Available:
Closed Captioning/Subtitles: Yes
Languages Available: English / Spanish
DuPont Coastal Training
Phone: 800-695-0756
Email: Marcus.Garcia@training.dupont.com
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