Video Details

  • Heat : A Dangerous Combination
  • El calor : Una combinaciĆ³n peligrosa

Video ID:  1277      Date:  2008      Minutes:  21     

This DVD partially satisfies the information and training requirements of the OUTDOOR HEAT EXPOSURE Rule - WAC 296-62-095. It covers the hazards of working outdoors in hot weather and what steps employees can take to protect themselves and co-workers. Shows the five stages of heat related illnesses and what to do. In addition to the DVD training, employers must inform employees what steps the employer will take to protect workers from heat-related illness at the specific worksite(s) such as how water will be provided, where it will be located, and what procedures will be followed when employees show signs of heat-related illness.

Subjects Covered:  Heat Stress, Online Videos, Spanish Version Titles     

Formats Available:  DVD FormatOnline     

Closed Captioning/Subtitles:  No     

Languages Available:  English / Spanish     

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