Department of Labor and Industries
Contractor Name License Number
Aaaaaaaaaa Bbbbbbbb ABCD*12345
Purchaser's mailing address
Street address goes here
Somewhere WA 99999
Telephone number (111)-222-3333
Premises owner's name
Some guy
Address of inspection
Street address goes here
Somewhere WA 99999

Installation Description:

Services to inspect:
Inspection fee: $##,###,###.##

Additional Fees May Be Assessed Upon Field Inspection
This permit expires one (1) year after the date of purchase.
Applied: 01/01/2004 12:00 PM Expiration: 01/01/2004
Date Approved By Date Approved By
MECHANICAL ___________ ___________ PLUMBING ___________ ___________
Type ___________ ___________ Type ___________ ___________
ELECTRICAL ___________ ___________ STRUCTURAL ___________ ___________
Type ___________ ___________ Type ___________ ___________
OTHER ___________ ___________ OTHER ___________ ___________
Type ___________ ___________ Type ___________ ___________
Inspection Date Area, Building or Equipment Inspected Action Taken Inspector
________ ________________________________ _________ ____________
________ ________________________________ _________ ____________
________ ________________________________ _________ ____________
________ ________________________________ _________ ____________

Property Owner: Retain Permit Number for your records

Attention Applicant! The Department will not conduct this inspection if there are unrestrained animals on the premises. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in additional inspection service fees and delay in service.

Now that you’ve purchased your manufactured/mobile home permit

(or Permit to Change or Repair Food trucks/Trailers/Temporary Structures)

Step 1:   Follow the guidelines on your inspection checklist

      • Carefully follow the L&I Pre-Inspection Checklist you received when you purchased
       your permit.
      (*See below if you purchased online or didn’t receive it at the L&I office.)

      • Post your permit near your work site, or next to your front door.

      • Keep your work uncovered so your inspector can have easy access.
       (Make sure no sheetrock or paneling, for example, is covering the work that needs to be inspected.)

Step 2: When the work is done, request your L&I inspection

      • Request an inspection online:
Request Manufactured Home Inspection Online

       - select Inspections
       - request an inspection online, (have your permit number and authorization code).
       - Enter the permit # and authorization code shown below**
       - Use the space provided to explain what part of your project needs to be inspected.

       Your permit number is:  
       Your authorization code:  


      • Request an inspection by calling your local L&I office.

Step 3: An L&I inspector will call to schedule the inspection date & time

      How are inspections scheduled?
      Your inspector is responsible for a very large area of the state and must schedule for maximum
      time and travel efficiency. The inspector personally contacts each customer by phone to confirm
      the time, based on a carefully planned weekly schedule. Our goal is to inspect within 10 days of
      your request, though sometimes it can take longer. We appreciate your patience.

*Need a 'Pre-Inspection Checklist' for your project?
   If you need one, you can download it.
   Go to: Preinspection Checklist
Don’t know which checklist? Call the phone number above for information or visit your local L& office.

**NOTE: Contractors and other EPIS subscribers do not need to use and an authorization code to request or view inspections on their online accounts.