***For cities that do their own inspections, when the customer selects 'Within City Limits' check box - Yes. A message is displayed at the top, directing them to contact the city jurisdiction for permitting.

A property owner, renter or lessee may purchase a permit to do an electrical installation on his/her own or qualified leased property under the conditions as described in RCW 19.28.261.
A nonprofit corporation with current tax exempt status or a nonprofit religious organization may purchase an electrical permit as described in RCW 19.28.091(7).

I am applying for the property owner exemption under the following conditions.

You must select the option that applies to your situation:

I swear that under penalty of perjury that:
I am a registered general contractor who is installing a temporary electrical service owned by me on  a project where I am the general contractor

I swear under penalty of perjury that I am:
owner of real property or
The renter or lessee of real property. (You may be required to provide a copy of the rental or lease agreement showing you are allowed to perform electrical work on the property.) Or
A nonprofit corporation that holds a current tax exempt status as provided under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3) or a nonprofit religious organization, and the total value of the electrical work does not exceed 30 thousand dollars.

You must select the option that applies to your situation:
New single family residence that is not intended for rent, sale, or lease where I will be living for at least 24 months after completing electrical work. I will be personally doing the electrical work.
New 2, 3, or 4 unit residential building, owned by me, that is intended for rent, sale or lease. I will be living in one of the units for at least 24 months after completing electrical work. I, personally, and/or a regularly employed employee(s) will be doing the electrical work.
New place of business, farm or other property: Any new structure that is not intended for rent, sale, or lease. I, personally, and/or a regularly employed employee(S) will be doing the electrical work
Existing residential property, place of business or farm. I will not offer the property for sale within 12 months after obtaining the property, and I, personally, and/or a regularly employed employee(s) will be doing the electrical work.
501(c)(3) or nonprofit religious organization owned property: The total market value of electrical work must be $30,000 or less and all electrical work will be performed by appropriately certified electricians or certified and properly supervised trainees who are volunteering and not being compensated for electrical work per RCW 19.28.091(7).
I AGREE and wish to purchase an electrical work permit under the conditions described above.